High maternal mortality rate is a major public healthrnconcern in developing countries. Skilled birth delivery is central tornreducing maternal mortality yet health facility delivery remains low inrnKitui County Kenya
Our study estimated prevalence of unskilledrndelivery and identified factors associated with health facility delivery inrnKitui County
A cross-sectional study was conducted December 2017-rnFebruary 2018. 245 women from five administrative wards wererninterviewed. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data.rnVariables that had p value 0.05 in bivariate analysis were included inrnmultivariable regression model to assess for confounders. Variablesrnwith a p value of 0.05 in multivariate analysis were consideredrnstatistically significant at 95 CI.
We interviewed 245 240 analyzed women from the fivernwards the majority were 16-25 years age group 45.5 110/240.rnMean age was 276.6 years. Prevalence of health facility delivery wasrn50.4. Distance from a health facility number of children in arnhousehold occupation of the respondents partner number ofrnantenatal clinic ANC visits and means of transport were significantrnfactors for not delivering in a health facility. On multivariate analysisrnwomen who lived 5km from health facility were less likely to deliverrnin a health facility AOR 0.36 95 CI 0.15- 0.86. Women whornattended 4 ANC visits were 4 times more likely to deliver in a healthrnfacility 95 CI 2.01-8.79.
Health facilities are the preferred sites for delivery regardlessrnof the level of education marital status and occupation of thernrespondents. Multiparous women are less likely to give birth atrna health facility in preference of home deliveries. Long distancernfrom the health facility is a hindrance to accessing health servicesrnand hence women could not adequately access maternal health care services from qualified medical practitioners in MwingirnNorth Sub county Kenya.
Publication Information
Focus County(s):
Kitui County
Programme Area(s):
Public Health & Health Research Systems
Research Priority Area(s):
Disease Domain(s):
Health Systems
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