Cervical cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in developed countries and the third most common cancer among women worldwide with an estimated 569847 new cases and 311365 deaths recorded in 2018 Bruni et al. 2019. Generally the mortality rate in developed countries is around four times higher than in advanced nations with 8085 per cent of cervical cancerdeaths occurring in developing countries according to Mupepi Sampselle Johnson 2011 Ferly et al 2010. In 2010 cervical cancer killed 200000 people worldwide Lambert 2013.Cervical cancer is primarily associated with young women.Women who are50years and below accounts for62 of all cervical cancerswith the highest number raging between 22-29 years Benard Watson Castle Saraiya 2012. The incidence of Cervical cancer can be reduced by approximately 25 to35 if women are screened once at the age of 35years howeverif women get screened twice between the age of 35yaers to 40 years this would reduce the risk of cervical cancer to up to 40
The purpose of the study was to establish the Awareness and Knowledge on Cervical Cancer Screening Services Among Women Aged 30-49 Years In Kitui West Sub-County
A cross-sectional descriptive study design was used. The study population was women aged 30-49 years of age. A Multi-stage cluster sampling technique simple random sampling proportionate sampling and systemic sampling was used to obtain 270 respondents from the study population. Data was collected using interviewer administered questionnaire to women aged 30-49 years in Kitui west sub-County. The study used quantitative research methods to obtain data from selected respondents. Quantitative data was collected using closed and open ended questionnaires. All interviews were done after obtaining approval from relevant bodies and consent from study respondents. Data from the respondents was analyzed using statistical package of social sciences SPSS in conjunction with Microsoft excel. The study used chi-square test calculated at 95 interval and a margin of 0.05 error to determine the relationship between dependent and independent study variables
The results found out that Majority of the participants 145 537 were aware of the cancer screening. There was a no significant relationship p 0 .054 between the awareness and cervical cancer screening services among women aged 30-49 years. The study established that majority 152 56.3 of the respondents had low knowledge on cervical cancer and there was an association between knowledge on warning signs p0.001 and prevention of cervical cancer p0.002 and utilization of cervical cancer screening services
The study concludes that majority of the respondents were aware of cervical cancer screening. rnIronically the rate of utilization of cervical cancer screening services was low despite results rnrevealed that the respondents were aware of cervical cancer and cervical cancers screening rnservices. The study further concluded that the knowledge level of respondents on cervical cancer rnis low since majority of the respondents were unable to state the signs warning signs and rnprevention of cervical cancer. It was however un clear how the respondents were aware of rncervical cancer screening services but not knowledgeable on the same.
Publication Information
Focus County(s):
Programme Area(s):
Non-Communicable Diseases
Research Priority Area(s):
cancer (Breast, cervix, prostrate, throat, stomach, ovaries and skin)
Disease Domain(s):
Diseases of the blood
Document History:
Publication Date: 02.Jul.2019
Conference Title: