Contributions of Sexual and Reproductive Health Knowledge to Adolescent Pregnancies among Students in Kitui Township Kitui County
Teenagers hold the future of society in terms of the provision of societal functionsrndifferentiated by their gender roles and parity. Consequently the excellence of teenagersrnplaces society in a better sustaining status. The successful transition of teenagers to adulthoodrndepends on mentorship. Research reports that the female gender is prone to a pathway withrnmore challenges than male teenagers. Girls are challenged with sexual reproductive healthrnand pregnancy issues which may eventually disorient their social economic cultural andrnhealth outcomes. In light of this the importance of establishing the teenage pregnancyrnlandscape and the associated health knowledge could not be underscored
This researchrntherefore sought to determine the contributions of sexual and reproductive health knowledgernto adolescent pregnancies among students in Kitui township Kitui County
The studyrninvolved a target population of 467 from which a sample size of 140 was enumerated using arnmixed-method cross-sectional research design. Ten 10 female teachers were involved in thernstudy as key informants.
The data collected using FGDs questionnaires and key informantrnguides show that over half 66 of the girls population was knowledgeable and the largerrnsource of their knowledge was teachers.
The study was carried out as proposed. The questionnaires were used as data collection tools.rnThe study sought to assess the contributions of sexual and reproductive health knowledge tornadolescent pregnancies among students in Kitui township Kitui County. The findings revealrnthat knowledge on sexual and reproductive health was low which was linked to rising casesrnof pregnancies in the Kitui Central Township ward. It is the responsibility of all stakeholdersrninvolved in the lives of our children to impact this sexual and reproductive health and thisrnincludes parents teachers health providers and the media. Active participation of thernstakeholders will significantly reduce adolescent pregnancies in the area
Publication Information
Focus County(s):
Kitui County
Programme Area(s):
Sexual, Reproductive, Adolescent & Child Health
Research Priority Area(s):
Disease Domain(s):
Adolescent Pregnancies
Document History:
Publication Date:
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